Joseph Kasprzyk
- Associate Professor
- Associate Chair for Graduate Education
Office: SEEC C244
- PhD, in Civil Engineering, Penn State University, 2013
- MS in Civil Engineering, Penn State University, 2009
- BS in Civil Engineering with Honors, Penn State University, 2007
Honors and Distinctions:
- Environmental Protection Agency STAR Graduate Fellow, 2010-2013
- National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship Program Honorable Mention
- 2012 Student Presentation Award, International Environmental Modelling and Software Society meeting, Leipzig Germany
- 2011 Outstanding Reviewer, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Journal of Water 91传媒 Planning and Management
- Invited talks at Technology Policy and Management workshop (Cambridge, UK, 2010) and Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Computational Science and Engineering conference (Boston, 2013)
- Member of Systems Committee, ASCE Environmental Water 91传媒 Institute (EWRI)
- Reviewer for Journal of Water 91传媒 Planning and Management, Water 91传媒 Research, Environmental Modelling and Software, Journal of Hydroinformatics, American Water 91传媒 Association Journal, Water 91传媒 Management
- Moderated Professional Development panel discussion at EPA STAR fellowship conference, served on planning committee
Professional Affiliations:
- American Society of Engineering Education
- American Geophysical Union
- Water resources planning and management
- Decision making under uncertainty
- Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms
- Scientific visualization and model diagnostics
Recent Publications:
- DeRousseau, MA, JR Kasprzyk, WV Srubar III. 2018. 鈥溾&苍产蝉辫;Cement and Concrete Research. vol 109: 42-53.
- Rosenberg, DE, M Babbar-Sebens, E Root, JD Herman, A Mirchi, M Giacomoni, JR Kasprzyk, K Madani, D Ford, L Basdekas. 鈥溾&苍产蝉辫;Journal of Water 91传媒 Planning and Management. vol 143(12): 02517001.
- Clarkin, TJ, W Raseman, JR Kasprzyk, JD Herman. 2018. "" Journal of Water 91传媒 Planning and Management. vol 144, no 8.
- Smith, R, JR Kasprzyk, L Basdekas. 2018. "" Journal of Water 91传媒 Planning and Management. vol 144, no 8.
- Smith, R, JR Kasprzyk, L Dilling. 2017. 鈥溾&苍产蝉辫;Environmental Modelling and Software. vol 95: 432-446.
- Watson, AA, JR Kasprzyk. 2017. 鈥溾&苍产蝉辫;Environmental Modelling and Software. vol 89: 159-171.
- Stewart, JR, B Livneh, JR Kasprzyk, B Rajagopalan, JT Minear, WJ Raseman. 2017. 鈥溾&苍产蝉辫;Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. vol 9, no 7: 2526-2644.
- Raseman, WJ, JR Kasprzyk, FL Rosario-Ortiz, J Stewart, B Livneh. 2016. 鈥溾&苍产蝉辫;Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology. vol 3: 18-36.
- Maier, HM, Z Kapelan, JR Kasprzyk, JB Kollat, LS Mattot, MC Cunha, GC Dandy, MS Gibbs, E Keedwell, A Marchi, A Ostfeld, D Savic, DP Solomatine, JA Vrugt, AC Zecchin, BS Minsker, EJ Barbour, G Kuczera, F Pasha, A Castelletti, M Giuliani, PM Reed. 2014. 鈥溾&苍产蝉辫;Environmental Modelling and Software, vol. 62: 271-299.
- Kasprzyk, JR, S Nataraj, PM Reed, RJ Lempert. 2013. 鈥溾&苍产蝉辫;Environmental Modelling and Software, vol. 42: 55-71